NBA巨星卡梅隆安东尼加入50 Cent SMS耳机商业团队 ,成为品牌代言人


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NBA巨星卡梅隆安东尼加入50 Cent SMS耳机商业团队 ,成为品牌代言人

50 Cent尽管这段时间没有活跃在音乐圈,但他依然忙碌,他的SMS耳机商业取得重要进展,NBA巨星Carmelo Anthony卡梅隆安东尼加入他的团队。

据Business Wire报道,安东尼加入SMS Audio公司成为投资人,合伙人并成为耳机公司的全球品牌代言人。

安东尼表示,他认可50 Cent耳机商业的生意方式:

“50 Cent approaches SMS Audio the same way I do each of my games – with focus and passion, SMS Audio produces and markets high caliber products, delivering a sound unlike anything I have heard – I look forward to representing such an innovative global brand.”

50 Cent, 作为SMS Audio的CEO 宣布安东尼代言的消息:

“Carmelo Anthony is one of today’s premier athletes and is known globally for both his sportsmanship and his philanthropic endeavors. He perfectly embodies the values behind SMS Audio and we’re excited to have him representing our brand – Providing Superior Sound Quality through Innovative Audio Products.”

今年年初,超级制作人Timbaland作为投资人加入50 Cent的SMS Audio耳机公司董事会
同样是今年纽约尼克斯球星J.R. Smith史密斯加入50 Cent的SK能量饮料团队

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