西海岸嘻哈元老Ice Cube准备在2014年五月某天杀回来 (图片)


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西海岸嘻哈元老Ice Cube准备在2014年五月某天杀回来 (图片)

西海岸嘻哈元老Ice Cube准备在2014年五月某天杀回来…

他已经宣布了他的第10张专辑Everythang’s Corrupt发行日期,看好了,2014年5月13日。对于old school的歌迷来说这是个好消息。

“It’s not a heavily political record, but it does have statement songs and rhymes,” Cube told The Huffington Post of the album. “I got a song called ‘Dominate the Weak,’ which is just showing you how a police state would look and feel. But hip-hop is in a different space right now when it comes to that. You don’t want to overdo it when it comes to the political stuff.”


“EVERYTHANGS CORRUPT street date: May 13, 2014,”

西海岸嘻哈元老Ice Cube准备在2014年五月某天杀回来 (图片)

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