升级版! 50 Cent在2014 CES国际消费电子展亮相防水耳机 (照片)


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升级版! 50 Cent在2014 CES国际消费电子展亮相防水耳机 (照片)

升级版! 50 Cent在2014 CES拉斯维加斯国际消费电子展亮相防水耳机,这是他的SMS Audio系列耳机的最新升级版。


“I’m a health and fitness fanatic, so a quality pair of headphones is an absolute must-have when I’m working out. I used my own ‘wish list’ of features as a benchmark when creating the Sport collection, and I’m extremely pleased with the final result – in addition to having our partner, NBA All-Star Carmelo Anthony, as the signature name on the product,” said 50 Cent, CEO of SMS Audio. “SMS Audio is continually innovating the product line and we’re excited to show off the much-anticipated in-ear, wireless headphone as part of this collection at CES.”


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