强硬的人需要更硬的人保护..50 Cent雇佣终极格斗锦标赛传奇Ken Shamrock做保镖


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强硬的人需要更硬的人保护..50 Cent雇佣终极格斗锦标赛传奇Ken Shamrock做保镖

强硬的人需要更硬的人保护..50 Cent雇佣终极格斗锦标赛传奇Ken Shamrock做保镖。在2014 CES电子展,可以看到他站在50耳机展台现场保护Fif,不要碰50,否则是死的下场。

升级版! 50 Cent在2014 CES国际消费电子展亮相防水耳机 (照片)

强硬的人需要更硬的人保护..50 Cent雇佣终极格斗锦标赛传奇Ken Shamrock做保镖

50 Cent has SERIOUSLY upgraded his personal security team … ’cause one of the guys watching his back is UFC Hall of Famer (and ex-WWE superstar) Ken Shamrock!!!!

49-year-old Shamrock was spotted on the rapper’s personal protection detail at the CES convection in Las Vegas yesterday … and afterward, Ken confirmed he’s now working for a company that does private security for several “high-end clients,” including Fiddy.

After the convention, Ken tweeted that it was a “pleasure” working for 50 … and said the rapper is, “By far one of the classiest gents I have ever worked with.”

But for now, don’t screw with Mr. Cent … or you might end up in a nasty ankle lock.

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