Ball so hard! Jay Z和老婆Beyonce租下整个主题公园庆祝女儿生日..非常昂贵 (9张照片)


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Ball so hard! Jay Z和老婆Beyonce租下整个主题公园庆祝女儿生日..非常昂贵 (9张照片)

Ball so hard! 超级富豪夫妇Jay Z和老婆Beyonce租下整个主题公园庆祝女儿2岁生日..非常昂贵..Bey受到老公熏陶戴上巨型项链。

Beyonce and Jay Z celebrated Blue Ivy’s 2nd birthday in spectacular fashion … closing down an entire theme park — for a celebration that the kid will never remember.

Park officials are keeping the cost under wraps … but it’s gotta be pricey to close the entire park. Put it this way … a VIP safari tour for just one person costs $240.


Jay Z的网站发布了老婆Beyonce歌曲God Made You Beautiful的官方版本 (音乐)

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