NBA 巨星克里斯·保罗听到Kendrick Lamar的Control后反应:马上发短信给他..(视频)


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NBA 巨星克里斯·保罗听到Kendrick Lamar的Control后反应:马上发短信给他..(视频)

Kendrick Lamar 和 NBA快船队巨星 Chris Paul克里斯·保罗联合登上了ESPN杂志的封面。

在封面人物采访中,Chris Paul正巧谈到了K.Dot的Control歌曲片段,保罗说:当我听到他的verse时,我立即给他发短信,告诉他这太疯狂了..

“When I heard [Lamar’s ‘Control’] verse, I immediately texted him and told him how crazy it was,”


“Competition is what keeps you going. When I played against Steve Nash the first time, the night before, I couldn’t sleep. He’d just won MVP, and I couldn’t wait to compete against him. Now, it’s funny, I’m nine years into the league, and there are so many great young point guards in our league. They’re coming for me like I was going for Nash. It’s competition — it’s why we do this.”


“It’s very important, It only helps the craft. If you’re making good music, I want to make good music, too. I want to be right there at that level. If you always have this competitive nature, as far as upping our game, the people will always be happy. The music will live forever.”

ESPN 嘻哈xNBA系列封面还有: 底特律英雄Eminem和底特律雄狮外接手卡尔文·约翰逊
科比带上眼镜, Nicki Minaj手靠在他肩膀上一起登上ESPN杂志封面 (照片)

更新:K.Dot还谈了NBA和Hip Hop是紧密联系在一起的:2者结合是双赢,对文化对商业都是有益的..

“Hip Hop and being a pro athlete go hand in hand, When they come together, it’s a win, not just for your business brand but also for culture. I always use the word ‘culture,’ because that’s first — everything else falls behind it. When they see that this guy loves rap the way he does, and this guy loves basketball like he does, the business is gonna flow behind it.

K.Dot谈到了Jay Z和Drake目前在嘻哈和NBA中起的作用,还提到:说唱明星们几乎看了每场NBA比赛:

“We’ve always been fascinated by and knowledgeable about sports. Now that you have people from this community in positions of power, like Jay Z and Drake, it’s only right that they spread their knowledge and love of the game. It’s passion, not just business. I mean, I’ve been to their houses — they’re watching each and every game.”


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