Drake 抨击好兄弟Kanye West..同时攻击带到了Fabolous..推特第一时间澄清


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Drake 抨击好兄弟Kanye West..同时攻击带到了Fabolous..推特第一时间澄清

Drake 在Rolling Stone 杂志的采访不仅攻击了Macklemore,还辐射到了Kanye West。

Drake看不惯..炮轰Macklemore格莱美给Kendrick Lamar发的短信..

尽管Drizzy把Yeezy尊为偶像,但在Rolling Stone的采访内容中,看到Drizzy对Kanye的Yeezus专辑的批评,批评顺便带到了Fabolous:

杂志这样写道:Drizzy告诉杂志的编辑Jonah Weiner说:Yeezus专辑里面的一些歌词是令人质疑的,像Swaghili歌词,Come on,Fabolous都不会讲Swaghili:

“There were some real questionable bars on there,” “Like that ‘Swaghili’ line? Come on, man. Even Fabolous wouldn’t say some shit like that.”



“Kanye’s the reason I’m here. I love everything about that guy,”


“I never commented on Yeezus for my interview portion of Rolling Stone,”

Drizzy攻击杂志说:本来他是封面人物,但最终被最近已故的好莱坞演员Philip Seymour Hoffman替换,认为杂志的做法非常恶心:

“They also took my cover from me last minute and ran the issue, I’m disgusted with that. RIP to Phillip Seymour Hoffman. All respect due. But the press is evil.”


“I’m done doing interviews for magazines. I just want to give my music to the people. That’s the only way my message gets across accurately.”

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