停止误解和争议..Drake第一时间发布官方声明,澄清在Rolling Stone杂志采访内容


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停止误解和争议..Drake第一时间发布官方声明,澄清在Rolling Stone杂志采访内容

2月13日是Drake的知名的So Far Gone mixtape诞生5周年,这几天Drizzy饱受争议,因为对Macklemore和Kanye West的言论,全都来自在Rolling Stone滚石杂志的采访。而且因为对杂志把原定是他作为封面后换成已故影星Phillip Seymour Hoffman的推特言论,引起误会和争议。

Drake 抨击好兄弟Kanye West..同时攻击带到了Fabolous..推特第一时间澄清
Drake看不惯..炮轰Macklemore格莱美给Kendrick Lamar发的短信..:Wack As Fuck

Drizzy不想再拖,第一时间发布官方的声明,对Phillip Seymour Hoffman家庭和其他因为杂志采访内容被伤害到的人道歉,Drizzy澄清了他推特的内容,停止误解:

With today being the 5th anniversary of So Far Gone I figured it’s fitting to return to it’s place of its origin in order to clear the air about an extremely emotional day. I completely support and agree with Rolling Stone replacing me on the cover with the legendary Phillip Seymour Hoffman.

He is one of the most incredible actors of our time and a man that deserves to be immortalized by this publication. My frustration stemmed from the way it was executed. The circumstances at hand are completely justifiable (on the magazines behalf), but I was not able to salvage my story or my photos and that was devastating. They ran the issue without giving me a choice to be in it or not. I would have waited until it was my time because I understand the magnitude of the cover they chose but I just wasn’t given that option and that made me feel violated. I apologize to anybody who took my initial comments out of context because in no way would I ever want to offend the Hoffman family or see myself as bigger than that moment.

I am still the same person. Today I was forced out of my character and felt the need to react swiftly. These days are the worst ones. Waking up after a great night in the studio and it’s your day to be picked apart. After dwelling on it for a few hours or days you will come to the conclusion that you brought it on yourself almost every time. So here I am having that moment. I once again apologize to everybody who took my cover comments the wrong way. I respect Rolling Stone for being willing to give a kid from Toronto a shot at the cover. I guess this is a day to learn and grow.

他同时还是感谢和敬重Rolling Stone,他说,经历这几天他成长了。

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