真正的朋友没有几个..Kanye West:10年前要去纹身“No new friends”和Jay Z当时的关系


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真正的朋友没有几个..Kanye West:10年前要去纹身“No new friends”和Jay Z当时的关系

去年因为Lil Wayne, Drake, Rick Ross加入DJ Khaled的歌曲No New Friends,而开始广泛有了No New Friends的概念。

真正的朋友没有几个,Kanye West在2003年时就已经认识到这点,他当时还要去把No new friends这几个字纹身到身上。

在2003年Yeezy接受The Source采访的内容延伸版本近日在Complex杂志放出,Yeezy谈到了和Jay Z当时的关系,走出录音室外的关系:

What’s your relationship with Jay-Z now? Do you guys have any relationship outside of the studio?

I talk with him because the thing is, I think we have a lot in common. But, you have to think, I’m in my early 20’s, he’s in his early 30’s. I’m on the train trying to come up with money to jut get around the city and the only protection I have from the weather is a heavy ass winter coat. He’s a multi-millionaire superstar—where’s the connection? We can talk in the studio.

2003年当时20多岁的Yeezy眼里的Jay Z还很疏远,他说:…你要知道,我正处在我的20几岁,Jay在30多岁,我正在赚钱的阶段,对我来讲唯一保护我的就是一件冬天的厚大衣。Jay Z是个千万富翁(2003年),你说我们之间哪有什么可谈的?我们在录音室会聊聊。

Yeezy最后甚至说:我想去纹身:No new friends

He’s been in the game so long and what I’ve learned also, actually, I was going to get me a tattoo that says, “No new friends.”

情人节! Kanye West发布在Beyonce和Jay Z单曲Drunk In Love (Remix)庆祝 (音乐)
No New Friends徽章

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