科比, 詹姆斯, 韦德和安东尼给予好兄弟艾弗森高度评价+艾弗森退役现场 (照片+视频)


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科比, 詹姆斯, 韦德和安东尼给予好兄弟艾弗森高度评价+艾弗森退役现场 (照片+视频)

伟大落幕..科比, 詹姆斯, 韦德和安东尼给予好兄弟艾弗森高度评价。一代NBA传奇艾佛森已经正式退役。全场欢呼声震耳欲聋..无比荣耀!! 这是球迷对他最好的回馈。

这一刻,让所有人都非常感慨。替“答案”感到自豪的同时带着点伤感… 没关系! 也许他会来到嘻哈世界再开启他的说唱事业。

回忆经典吧:答案在哪里? 在这里..篮球巨星Allen Iverson艾弗森精彩时刻记忆犹新 (17张GIF动画图片)


Kobe Bryant:

“Time has wings my brotha. Your game pushed my then 21 year old self to play beyond my years. Your impact on the game will be felt for generations. #salute #respect #96 #AI”

LeBron James:

“Pound for pound!! Congrats homie. What a pleasure to complete against u and also become a friend in the process. U the reason why I got tattoos, wore a headband and arm sleeve. Thanks for everything!! #AITheGoat #BubbaChuck #HOFNext”

Dwyane Wade:

“Pound for pound… I had a pleasure of competing against and playing with one of the greatest to do…”


“Congratulations to one of the greatest to ever do it. Proud to call him a friend and my brother. Peace God. There will never be another Bubba Chuck. Love you King”

视频+更多照片在下一页 (包括艾佛森与科比, 詹姆斯, 韦德和安东尼共同在球场的让人回忆的照片)

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