Eminem 8英里电影搭档Mekhi Phifer:当初差点不想拍8 Mile,直到见到Em后改变想法..


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Eminem 8英里电影搭档Mekhi Phifer:当初差点不想拍8 Mile,直到见到Em后改变想法..

Eminem自传电影8英里除了主角Rabbit,他的电影搭档Mekhi Phifer饰演Future,以Shady现实生活已故好兄弟Proof为蓝本的角色令人印象深刻。

10多年过去,Mekhi回忆在一开始几乎不想拍8 Mile。Mekhi最近来到 The Breakfast Club接受采访说,他刚开始了解这部电影,觉得这电影很土,不想拍,而且他已经有别的电影要开机了:

“It was fun,” he said. “It was interesting because when it first came up I was like ‘It sounded cheesy.’ I was like ‘nah.’ And I was due to start ‘ER’ actually right before the movie started. And I was like ‘Nah, I’m just gonna start the show, man.’”

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“I wasn’t stressing it, but what I did was I read the script. And the script was real slick, And then they flew me to Detroit. And then me and Em just got together and just started building. You know what I mean? And I was like ‘Yo, I like this cat.’ You know? And then Curtis Hanson, dope ass director. It just all came together. You know what I mean? And we kinda wanted to be true to—Cause it was loosely based on Em’s career and Em’s life and Proof…And I felt honored—especially R.I.P to Proof. Being able to show him in that light. Cause I thought the movie was real slick. And I had fun portraying him.”


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