Lil Wayne为什么大量说唱女人的敏感部位Pussy? “Why wouldn’t I?”


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Lil Wayne为什么大量说唱女人的敏感部位Pussy? Why wouldn’t I?

Lil Wayne为什么大量说唱女人的敏感部位Pussy? “Why wouldn’t I?”


On why he raps about “pussy” so much: “Why wouldn’t I? What you want me to talk about, the world? I ain’t no goddamn professor. Ya’ll gotta remember, I started doing this shit at 8.”


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On Cash Money’s successful run: “‘Til this day I still see Slim smiling about music and still see Baby impressed by music he hearing by me. Man, we still doing this. And to know that we’re still relevant, we ain’t just doin’ it for ourselves. We doin’ it ’cause we actually have to and we have to for the fans. It’s unbelievable.”

On sports: “It’s a passion, so it’s not nothing that I have to go study. When you passionate about it, the knowledge comes.”

On skateboarding: “I’m dedicated to anything I do. Anything I do, I do it in abundance. I said, ‘Let me get me a skateboard.’ I ain’t gon’ do nothin’ once. So I put a skate ramp on my roof and started busting my ass everyday ’til I got it right. Now I can’t stay off that motherfu**er. I’ve been off my fuckin’ board for too long ’cause I’ve been in the studio everyday.”

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