Eminem已经这么传奇..但徒弟50 Cent还是认为他被低估


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Eminem已经这么传奇..但徒弟50 Cent还是认为他被低估

Eminem已经这么传奇..但徒弟50 Cent还是认为他被低估。

“Em is really underrated because people have always been talking about him like, ‘The White rapper Eminem’ instead of just ‘the rapper.’



“Yeah, because the skin color thing is still there,” 50 says. “He has so many skills and he’s more hood than so many people out there, people still put the skin color before anything and don’t give him enough credit. It’s like people saying Elvis Presley was only famous because he was White. He had, y’know, the rhythm of James Brown but he had his own thing. He was Elvis. He wasn’t just a White man. Things like that are going to be picked up between Black people and White people and anybody. It doesn’t mean a person isn’t great because they’re influenced by something associated with another race. It doesn’t matter.”


面对与师父Eminem关系是否破裂的问题..50 Cent如何应对? 还有与Dr. Dre的关系

Em在他新专辑Animal Ambition上的帮助:

“It was a decision we made because it was taking so long,” 50 says. “It was a good thing, though. Em[inem] used a little bit of his influence to help me find a better situation for the album, but it all worked out for the best. I’m releasing Animal Ambition now, and Street King Immortal will come out later this year, but I felt like Animal Ambition was important to me because it shows what I’m doing right now.”

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