巨额赔偿等着50 Cent! 他得支付1600万美元给耳机公司..因为..


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巨额赔偿等着50 Cent! 他得支付1600万美元给耳机公司..因为..

巨额赔偿等着50 Cent! 他得支付1600万美元给耳机公司..因为他偷了“设计”。这是非常糟糕的,不过对富豪Fif来说也不是难事。

50 Cent 吐露真情:走了很多地方, Eminem还是他的最爱..发布3年前和Em录音室照片

According to The Miami Herald:

According to recently unsealed court documents, hip-hop star 50 Cent has been ordered to pay $16 million in his dispute against a Bradenton company that was supposed to manufacture a line of headphones bearing the rapper’s name — an amount of money that, until now, was kept under wraps.

The new court papers show 50 Cent needs to pay $11.6 million in damages for misappropriation of trade secrets, unjust enrichment and breach of confidentiality; and another $4.4 million in legal fees and expenses.

In a nutshell, here’s what happened: An arbitrator in West Palm Beach found that the rapper, whose real name is Curtis Jackson, stole design secrets from Bradenton manufacturer Sleek Audio to make his own headphones, Street by 50 and Synch by 50.

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