The Game对快船老板唐纳德·斯特林的言论非常气愤 :正在发起球迷行动抵制


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The Game对快船老板唐纳德·斯特林的言论非常气愤 :正在发起球迷行动抵制

快船老板唐纳德·斯特林Donald Sterling激进的种族言论引起美国总统奥巴马批评,以及Lil Wayne, Snoop Dogg, Rihanna和NBA球星们的愤怒和反感。The Game是其中之一,Game在洛杉矶外出购物时,接受采访说自己听完对斯特林言论,非常愤怒恼火。他正在发起球迷行动,抵制前往快船主场看球。

篮球之神迈克尔·乔丹和神的儿子科比谴责快船队老板Donald Sterling (图片)
最牛的回应! 魔术师约翰逊据报道要从Donald Sterling手中买下NBA洛杉矶快船队
无声抗议更让NBA快船队老板窒息..保罗领袖的球员们反穿球衣抗议老板歧视黑人言论 (照片)
查尔斯·巴克利 认为NBA快船队老板Donald Sterling应该被立刻停职
美国黑人总统指责NBA快船队老板Donald Sterling的歧视黑人言论 (视频)
Lil Wayne说Fuck You给快船队老板Donald Sterling..因为他种族歧视 (视频)
魔术师约翰逊 反击 快船队老板对他点名的种族歧视.. (图片)
Rihanna发图配上绯闻男友Drake歌词..大骂NBA快船队老板Donald Sterling (图片)
Snoop Dogg也Fuck You..发布视频大骂快船队老板Donald Sterling (视频)


I have to say that after listening to the full audio clip of Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling making racists comments towards (minorities) specifically African Americans & Hispanics, I am totally outraged & very upset !!! He also went on to say that because Magic Johnson was black he did not want Magic to attend any of the Los Angeles Clippers games. Myself being African American & having a huge Hispanic following… I find myself in a position to defend both my heritage & that of all of the Hispanic community, not only here but around the world…. Whom, both are very supportive of not only the Los Angeles Clippers, but every professional sports franchise in Los Angeles & elsewhere specifically the Los Angeles Dodgers… Whose owner & opposing Los Angeles Lakers great “Earvin Magic Johnson” was both disrespected & racially profiled by the Clippers owner. Not sure on exact numbers but I’m pretty sure Hispanics alone make up at least 65% of ticket buyers for Los Angeles Clippers games as well as merchandising. With that said, it was not only ignorant & racist but a non-calculated & disgusting business move on Donald Sterlings part. In the support of my own race, Hispanics & every other race whose been fighting current & past racism I have now started the #ESC which is short for #EMPTYSEATCAMPAIGN asking ALL Los Angeles residents to boycott the next Clippers game by not attending which will prove that we are more of a MAJORITY than the previously stated “minority” label given to us by Mr. Sterling. Although I feel for friends of mine that play for the Clippers franchise such as @CP3 whose own team owner considers a minority…… I now, along with good friend & designer @ceoselfmade ask everyone who reads this WORLDWIDE to RE-POST this picture & hashtag: #BoycottClippers #ESC #EmptySeatCampaign #Support #OGMagicJohnson #StopRacism #OneWorld #WeAreAMajority

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