Eminem想让他的Rap Battle经典重现..宣布‘Total Slaughter’ Battle Rap比赛 (视频)


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Eminem想让他的Rap Battle经典重现..宣布‘Total Slaughter’ Battle Rap比赛 (视频)

Eminem想让他的Rap Battle经典重现..Eminem, Shady Records和Slaughterhouse宣布了‘Total Slaughter’ Battle Rap比赛。在7月12日开始。


“I’m a passionate battle fan, so this is something I’ve always thought about doing. I came up battling at the same time I was making records and learning my way around the studio. It’s a little bit different in terms of the kinds of tools you need, but the competitiveness is the same. The times I didn’t win gave me just as much light in the past as when I did. It’s all about your performance.”


Paul Rosenberg说:

“What we look at this opportunity as, is a way to do for battle rapping what UFC did for MMA. That’s really the model we’re basing it on. It’s this great thing that a lot of people love, but it’s very splintered, and it’s very niche, and it’s not really brought into the right production levels that it can or should be.”

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下面是宣传片:对战选手:(Slaughterhouse成员 – Joe Budden Vs. Hollow Da Don & Loaded Lux Vs. Murda Mook)

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