Eminem进入”Hip Hop’s Greatest Music Video Artists”榜单..还有其他四位也上榜


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Eminem进入Hip Hops Greatest Music Video Artists榜单..还有其他四位也上榜

Eminem等有5位说唱歌手进入了Pepsi Pulse的Hip Hop’s Greatest Music Video Artists榜单。


Eminem’s career has been built out of spitting lyrics that are so descriptive that they practically render visuals useless. Luckily for us, Shady obliges anyway. Many of Em’s videos are visual masterpieces, whether it’s the film-level quality of “Stan,” the visual metaphor accompanying “The Way I Am,” or, more recently, the explosiveness of the Rihanna-assisted “The Monster.” Maybe this investment in visuals is the result of his affiliation with Dr. Dre, as videos of the duo’s collaborations, such as “Forgot About Dre” and “I Need a Doctor” are top-notch.

Eminem客串好兄弟Lil Wayne单曲Drop The World成为4x白金歌曲


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