够狠的! 泄漏Jay Z被Beyonce亲妹妹Solange殴打的视频员工出价156万人民币卖给TMZ


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够狠的! 泄漏Jay Z被Beyonce亲妹妹Solange殴打的视频员工出价156万人民币卖给TMZ

够狠的! 泄漏Jay Z被Beyonce亲妹妹Solange殴打的视频员工出价25万美元(156万人民币)卖给TMZ。这比工资高多了,他/她已经被炒鱿鱼,不过有足够的钱请个律师。


负面影响巨大! Jay Z, Beyoncé & Solange通过媒体回应殴打事件:“家家有本难念的经”

Page Six报道:

“This was being shopped for five days to the highest bidder,” said a source who confirmed the tape was sold for $250,000. The Standard has hired Hollywood lawyer Marty Singer, who is investigating who shopped the tape. “There are only a handful of people who’d have access to that tape,” our source said. “The Standard owns that tape.” But, “Once it was out, Jay Z’s people felt they couldn’t control it. They were reluctant to try and publicly fight this.”

因为Jay Z不带老婆Beyonce一起参加Rihanna的Party导致妹妹殴打Jay Z (报道)
超级戏剧性大反转? Jay Z和殴打他的Beyonce亲妹妹已经和好? 据报道他们一起去购物
震惊全球! Jay Z受到老婆Beyonce亲妹妹Solange的拳打脚踢..场面非常凶险暴力 (视频)
被老婆Beyonce亲妹妹殴打后..Jay Z没有被任何影响和Bey一起欢笑观看NBA季后赛 (照片)
Beyonce亲妹妹殴打了自己老公Jay Z后不但没有怪她..还分享多张照片“支持她” (照片)

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