一个老板刚刚被驱逐出NBA..另一球队达拉斯小牛老板 马克·库班 让自己陷入“灾难”


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一个老板刚刚被驱逐出NBA..另一球队达拉斯小牛老板 马克·库班 让自己陷入“灾难”

更新:知道问题严重性后他马上通过推特发布声明道歉:向Trayvon Martin家庭道歉。

P/1: In hindsight I should have used different examples. I didn’t consider the Trayvon Martin family, and I apologize to them for that.

P/2: beyond apologizing to the Martin family, I stand by the words and substance of the interview.

P/3: I think that helping people improve their lives, helping people engage with people they may fear or may not understand,

P/4: and helping people realize that while we all may have our prejudices and bigotries

P/5: we have to learn that it’s an issue that we have to control, that it’s part of my responsibility as an entrepreneur to try to solve it



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一个老板刚刚被驱逐出NBA..另一球队达拉斯小牛老板 马克·库班 让自己陷入“灾难” .. 他的“歧视”言论可能让自己吃不了兜着走。


“If I see a black kid in a hoodie and it’s late at night, I’m walking to the other side of the street. And if on that side of the street, there’s a guy that has tattoos all over his face – white guy, bald head, tattoos everywhere – I’m walking back to the other side of the street,”


如果这里他没有说white guy,而是说black guy,那他和快船队老板Donald Sterling歧视黑人的言论没有区别,那他真的惨了。

这里他提到的 “hoodie”,与被杀的青年Trayvon Martin有联系。这是公开歧视。


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