有趣的国度! 男子来自意大利名叫Bra的地方..因为偷Bra(内衣)被捕


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有趣的国度! 男子来自意大利名叫Bra的地方..因为偷Bra(内衣)被捕


A 28-year-old man was arrested for theft in Bra, Italy this week. … He was stealing bras, dummy.

According to The Local, the unnamed suspect had “a house full” of women’s undergarments — hundreds, says La Repubblica — which he stole from clotheslines in the area overnight. He’s currently under house arrest, because, zany and fun as this news item may be, he was still a criminal taking and hoarding other people’s underwear. Probably all sniffing it and stuff, too. Think of the victims!

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