Lil Wayne & Drake击败Eminem & Rihanna和Jay Z & Beyonce演唱会平均门票售价


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Lil Wayne & Drake击败Eminem & Rihanna和Jay Z & Beyonce演唱会平均门票售价

Lil Wayne & Drake的联合演唱会平均门票售价是今年嘻哈联合演唱会最贵的。

Lil Wayne & Drake:$249.20美元

Jay-Z and Beyoncé:$234.16美元

Eminem and Rihanna:$217.81美元

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From the amount of tickets that have hit the secondary market from brokers and pre-sales, the average price for Drake vs Lil Wayne tickets is $249.20, 6.4% higher than Jay-Z and Beyoncé tickets for On the Run, which have an average secondary price of $234.16. Eminem and Rihanna tickets for the Monster tour will be the cheapest hip-hop tour tickets this summer has an average price on the secondary market is currently $217.81, 12.6% cheaper than the Drake vs Lil Wayne Tour and 6.98% cheaper than the On the Run Tour.

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