5周年! Beyoncé感人文字纪念迈克尔杰克逊逝世五周年 (照片)


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5周年! Beyoncé感人文字纪念迈克尔杰克逊逝世五周年 (照片)

5周年! 美国时间6月25日是迈克尔杰克逊逝世五周年,Beyonce敲打着键盘写下下面感人的文字,致敬他的精神永存。

下面是她献给King of Pop的文字:

When I was just starting out, my first producer used to make me listen to Michael Jackson’s live performance of “Who’s Loving You.” He would have me watch that for hours back to back to back.

What he wanted me to learn was his soul. You could hear his soul. And he was this little kid who hadn’t experienced love but he was a vessel. For whatever reason he could evoke more emotion than an adult. It was so raw and so pure. It was these little things that he did that were just swag. It’s something that’s God given.

Michael taught me that sometimes you have to forget technique, forget what you have on. If you feel silly, you have to go from the gut just let it go.

Michael Jackson changed me, and helped me to become the artist I am thank you Michael.

Love always,


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