这家伙想要挑战Eminem..在Rap Battle擂台上


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这家伙想要挑战Eminem..在Rap Battle擂台上

Eminem旗下举办的Total Slaughter舞台上,Battle Rap传奇Murda Mook刚带走一场胜利,他赢了Loaded Lux。

Eminem旗下Rap Battle真人秀节目Total Slaughter:Loaded Lux Vs Murda Mook(3回合视频)


他在Hot 87的Ebro In The Morning接受采访,直言要在下轮对战Eminem,他说,他过去5年一直这么说:

“I need Em or one them n***as, I’ve been saying Em from the door. For the last five years I’ve been saying, ‘Y’all have to go get Eminem for me. You have to.’”


“Em is my favorite rap dude. This is just admiration, wanting to jump in the ring with a n***a that I feel is incredible. Somebody I feel says things I would never possibly think of saying, His mind is way different. So for me to have to challenge myself to be able to try to meet that and take it higher, I need Em or somebody of that magnitude.”

除了这一场,另一场,Eminem会否参加Total Slaughter的Battle Rap的下一轮比赛? 为Paul报仇? (图片)

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