Eminem电影8 Mile中好兄弟Mekhi Phifer目前最喜欢Rap God的哪首歌曲? 你太熟悉了


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Eminem电影8 Mile中好兄弟Mekhi Phifer目前最喜欢Rap God的哪首歌曲? 你太熟悉了

Mekhi出现在Eminem的8 Mile电影中,也出现在Em的超级热歌Lose Yourself中。现在他告诉人们目前最喜欢阿姆的Rap God歌曲,他说难以置信。


“My favorite song is Eminem’s “Rap God.” That joint is just incredible,” Phifer explains. “It’s six-and-a-half minutes of him just crushing the whole game. It’s so different from what I hear if I listen to the radio.”

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