你不知道Kanye West 的50件事:Drake是第一个让他感到压力的艺人


你不知道Kanye West 的50件事:Drake是第一个让他感到压力的艺人

Kanye West 很多时候包括最近在欧洲连续3场演出都有不同的东西表达出来,更不知道Yeezy在想什么,会更想知道Yeezy在想什么。


包括:他在7岁时做了第一个beat,卖出第一个beat值$8800美元,Michael Jackson曾经打电话给他询问关于Stronger MV中穿的衣服,他说过Drake是第一个能让他恐慌,给他压力的艺人…在Taylor Swift事件后,Mos Def到他家鼓励他离开美国定居国外。

-He made his first beat in seventh grade.
-He had an early nickname of “Deep House” because of his baggy pants and backpacks.
-After dropping out of school, he worked as a telemarketer to pay his mom the $200 a month in rent she demanded.
-He sold his first beat to local Chicago rapper Gravity for $8,800.
-He’d “leave meetings crying all the time” before he got signed.
-Micheal Jackson called him to ask about the jacket he wore in the “Stronger” video.
-He says that Drake was the first artist who actually scared and put pressure on him.
-Mos Def came to his house after the Taylor Swift incident at the VMAs and encouraged him to move out of America.

He lived in China for a year in fifth grade. 在5年级时,Kanye在中国住过1年。
His mom said he made kids in China give him sheep skewers in exchange for watching him breakdance. 他妈说,Kanye曾经让中国孩子给他吃羊肉串,交易条件是他给孩子们跳街舞。


Kanye West说:10岁在中国经历点燃他成为超级巨星的梦想 (回顾)


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