Jay Z 和 Kanye West 被佛罗里达州议员抨击..又攻击Jay的古巴之行


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Jay Z 和 Kanye West 被佛罗里达州议员抨击..又攻击Jay的古巴之行

在媒体大量报道关于Jay ZKanye West, Rihanna, Justin Timberlake 因为Trayvon Martin案件在佛罗里达法院判决不公,抵制前往开演唱会。现在佛罗里达州共和党众议员林肯·迪亚斯-巴拉特 Lincoln Diaz-Balart 作为代表反击。

Diaz-Balart站出来,他来到Laura Ingraham电台节目抨击了Jay和Kanye等明星行为,称行为是愚蠢的:

“Look, thank God we live in a free country, and people can opt to be silly and foolish,

这位众议员攻击Jay和Beyonce的古巴之旅: 不来弗罗里达,相反他们却去了古巴..

“but that’s a contrast — they go to Cuba, and that’s okay, They hobnob with the regime; that’s okay. But they won’t go to Florida, where we’re free. That’s their choice, but I think their priorities are a little bit off.”

Kanye West 历史上和狗仔的10次对决:1次拥抱, 9次怒吼和失控 (10部视频)

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