Kanye West说没有Dr. Dre就没有Eminem..没有谁就没有Yeezy他自己?


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Kanye West说没有Dr. Dre就没有Eminem..没有谁就没有Yeezy他自己?

前者是伟大的,Kanye West承认没有Jay Z的认可,他不会走到今天。Eminem没有了师父Dr. Dre赏识,不会像今天那么成功。千真万确!

“I couldn’t have rapped if Jay Z hadn’t endorsed me. Eminem wouldn’t have been as successful if Dr. Dre hadn’t endorsed him.”

Yeezus在2014 戛纳国际创意节发表高见。

Eminem妈妈太想儿子了..她非常想要给儿子Slim Shady一个大大的拥抱..你要哭了吧

他再次谈论超级偶像 – 乔布斯:

“Steve Jobs, as everyone knows, was my biggest influence. Just seeing the way he fought to make things easier for people. After he passed, I made it my life’s mission to do what he did inside of that company. I dream to help raise the palette and raise the taste level of a generation and also be involved with the production and distribution and advertising of that thing everyone’s begging for.”

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