Kanye West发律师函要求删除成人录像带截图照片,视频是有人从Kanye电脑上偷的


Kanye West发律师函要求删除成人录像带截图照片,视频是有人从Kanye电脑上偷的

自从20分钟性爱视频闹剧传出一段时间后,网上引起大量争议。Kanye West委托律师 Lisa M. Buckley of Pryor Cashman发出律师函,要求相关网站删除录像带截图照片,并表示视频是有人非法从Kanye电脑上偷的。


有网站出价$100万美元购买Kanye West性爱录像带

得知Kanye West性爱录像带后,Kim Kardashian发照片支持他的男人 (照片)

“Be advised that the Screen Shot, as well as the Tape from which the Screen Shot was taken, were illegally obtained and believed to have been stolen from Mr. West’s computer,”

“Your posting, advertising, marketing, displaying and otherwise disseminating the stolen Screen Shot and/or other materials on the Tape constitute actionable violations of Mr. West’s rights of privacy and publicity,”

“We hereby demand that you: (1) immediately cease and desist from posting, advertising, marketing, displaying and disseminating the illegally obtained Screen Shot of Mr. West,” demands the notice.

Kanye West性爱录像带闹剧相关报道:
Kanye West也有了自己的性录像带,女主角像女友卡戴珊Kim Kardashian (照片)
Kanye West性爱录像带女生照片公布,像卡戴珊Kim Kardashian? (照片) 随后女生否认

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