Kanye West 不高兴MTV给他Hottest MCs最火说唱歌手榜单第7名


Kanye West 不高兴MTV给他Hottest MCs最火说唱歌手榜单第7名

Yeezy还提到Hottest MCs in the Game节目的策划人MTV的Sway,Yeezy说他送了Sway第一台电视,不想打电话给Sway谈关于为什么把他放在第7名,但他只想让人们知道他送了给Sway第一台电视。

So you think this is what puts you at #7 as opposed to number five, four, three, two, one?
I don’t think it’s them really going bar for bar. I said, “Lucky I ain’t had Jay drop him from the team.” Ain’t no bar, ain’t no bar in the entire past 12 months that’s hotter than that bar. That’s one bar! I come from this battle rap, that’s how I grew up in Chicago. I couldn’t believe it. I gave [MTV News reporter] Sway his first TV. He came over to my crib in Newark, NJ. I was living in Newark doing beats for Jay and Beans and all them and I was getting a new TV and I gave Sway his first TV. And really I didn’t really wanna even like call to talk about the #7 list, I just wanna tell everybody that I gave Sway his first TV. And he need to remember that.

上一篇:2013年MTV Hottest MCs In The Game榜单第5名:Drake (视频) | 你不知道Kanye West 的50件事:Drake是第一个让他感到压力的艺人

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