快船队老板Donald Sterling老婆和亿万富翁/前微软公司CEO鲍尔默洽谈出售球队


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快船队老板Donald Sterling老婆和亿万富翁/前微软公司CEO鲍尔默洽谈出售球队

凶多吉少..快船队老板Donald Sterling老婆Shelly和亿万富翁/前微软公司CEO鲍尔默洽谈出售球队事情。

Shelly Sterling will meet with former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer Sunday afternoon … and the subject of the meeting is selling the Clippers … TMZ Sports has learned.


Here’s the rub for L.A. fans. Although Ballmer has publicly said if he bought the team he would keep it in the City of Angels … he’s deeply entrenched in Seattle. He was actively trying to keep the Sonics in his home city before the team moved to Oklahoma. With such deep family ties and city pride … there’s fear Ballmer would move the team North.

快船队老板Donald Sterling终于举白旗! 他将让老婆卖掉球队和NBA彻底说ByeBye

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