Dr.Dre新徒弟Jon Connor回忆见到偶像/师兄Eminem时的情景: Cool Dude..


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Dr.Dre新徒弟Jon Connor回忆见到偶像/师兄Eminem时的情景: Cool Dude..

Eminem是Connor的偶像,能够见到偶像Eminem是Jon Connor一生最美好的事。

Connor来自密西根和Em是老乡,他最近刚被Dr.Dre收到Aftermath旗下,目前和Shady, Kendrick Lamar是师兄一同在Dre厂牌。

他说见到Em的感觉就像是,布鲁克林小孩见到Jay Z,像芝加哥小孩见到Kanye West。

Connor说,小时候就是Shady粉丝,当时就开始模仿Forgot About Dre:

“Before I was an artist, I was a fan. I’m still a fan. I still look up to all of them like, Yo, I used to be rapping ‘Forgot About Dre’ — I remember getting sent to detention for rapping ‘Forgot About Dre,’”


“When I met Em, I was just glad I got a chance to tell him like, Yo, being from Michigan, thank you, for the road that you’ve paved, for me to come and be able to do what I’m doing,” he said. “For me to get to have that moment, it was indescribable. And for him to be a cool dude was just icing on the cake…It actually kind of intensified the way I felt about his music.”

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